In today’s world, sustainable practices make hotels stand out! According to research, the hospitality sector must cut its carbon emissions per room by more than 90% by 2050. This is required to guarantee that the growth predictions do not result in a comparable rise in carbon emissions.

Today’s travelers, restaurant-goers, hotel guests, and shoppers are concerned about sustainability. They want to ensure that the companies they work with are environmentally, socially, and ethically responsible. The vast majority of people are willing to pay extra for items and services that do not hurt the environment, diminish natural resources, or have a detrimental impact on the lives of people or wildlife.

Nowadays, hospitality businesses’ success depends on their ability to preserve the natural and cultural assets that attract travelers to visit their destinations. With the correct leadership, hospitality firms can implement long-term business plans.

If you’re part of the hospitality system and are looking for ways to promote sustainability, stay with us as we go through approaches you can take!

Reduce your Use of Plastic

Daily, nearly 8 million pieces of plastic make their way into oceans. With each hotel room producing nearly 200 liters o

Plastic management is an efficient way for your hotel to reduce its carbon impact. Switch to reusable glass bottles and replace plastic straws with metal or glass ones. Disposable cutlery and little toiletry bottles can also be discarded.

Use reusable cutlery or recyclable plastic objects in place of disposable ones in your rooms. Set up colored segregation bins all over the hotel and begin sorting trash. The same thing can be done in each room, and you should encourage your visitors to do the same.

Try to Minimize Food Waste

To promote sustainability, think about serving fewer animal dishes and more vegetarian and vegan options to your visitors. You can cut greenhouse gas emissions by 10% compared to vegetarian dishes and by 64% compared to recipes high in meat by leaning more toward vegan options.

A certain amount of trash is unavoidable when managing a hotel and providing services for vast gatherings of guests for occasions like parties and weddings. However, it’s a good idea to be aware of where extra rubbish is gathered within your hotel. This helps you in creating a long-term plan to decrease food waste. In the long run, this will lower costs and help your hotel become more cost-effective and sustainable.

Hire a Professional to Help with your Septic System

Another way today’s hospitality systems promote sustainability is by inspecting their septic systems. Sewer pipes face the challenge of being underground and out of sight. Sewer lines are tubes placed within dwellings to collect waste and eliminate odors.

These lines’ primary role is to transport trash from residential or commercial properties to the central sewage disposal system. Over time, these sewage pipes deteriorate or get damaged, and leaving them unchecked can seriously harm the environment. To promote sustainability, hotels should consult professionals. Hiring a sewer line cleaning company helps them fix and maintain their septic system, which in the long run equals cleaner air and environment,

Manage Energy

Efficiency and reduction are the two pillars of a two-pronged strategy for energy saving in the hotel sector. Employers might start by teaching staff members energy-saving behaviors. These actions can include switching off lights, altering the settings on washing machines, and adequately adjusting thermostats.

Informing visitors to avoid wasting power or towels is another way to conserve energy. Organizations might seek possibilities to use eco-friendly items or technologies to increase efficiency. For instance, they could upgrade to LED lights or put in solar panels for heating and cooling.

Make Use of Technology

The digital revolution has helped the hospitality sector significantly. Contactless check-ins, keyless room entry, and message platforms for guests are critical for eliminating friction and keeping everyone secure. In terms of convenience, web apps make it easy for visitors to order room service, book spa appointments, and request extra towels.

Moreover, digital technology provides significant environmental benefits, such as lowering the use of paper and plastic. By removing the demand for paper menus, flyers, and in-room directories, switching to a digital guest room tablet can provide instant benefits.

Final Thoughts

The rising relevance of sustainability in the hotel industry is undeniable. Today’s consumers look for hotels that can assist in the implementation of sustainable practices and the development of a culture of social, environmental, and economic responsibility.

Over to you

The hotel industry is always changing, especially during a time of crisis. Make sure to future-proof your business and continue attracting new guests by investing in these solutions.

Ready to take your hotel’s digital transformation to a new level?

Hire a digital transformation coach for a new and bright future!

Contact Are Morch – Digital Transformation Coach today!

Related article: 5 Cost-effective Steps to Start a New Innovative Digital Transformation Shift for Hotels

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The hotel industry is still facing some uphill challenges. Make sure you follow their guidelines and say THANK YOU to those that now show a unique spirit to serve and help us all get through this!! #hotelstrong #hospitalitystrong

About Are Morch

Are Morch is a digital transformation coach helping hotels open their digital front door, reimagine their processes and culture, and transform experiences in a fast-paced world!

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